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Jury Award: The Theta Girl

Best Feature: Fags in the Fast Lane

Best Short: Die Panda Die

Best Documentary: Reconstructing Hawthorne

Best SC Film: The Last Filmmaker

Best Produced Screenplay – Feature: The 5 Year

Best Produced Screenplay – Short: God

Audience Choice Award: The Girl Who Saved Dan Landis

1st runner up Audience Choice: Jack’s Java Bean Shack

Best Un-produced Screenplay – Feature: The Wonderful by Demitra Papadinis

1st runner up Un-produced Screenplay - Feature: The Devil in Us by Glenna O'Conner

Best Un-produced Screenplay – Short: Retribution by Marc Allen

1st runner up Un-produced Screenplay –Short: First Prize by Carl B. Clark

Honorable Mention: Spark

Honorable Mention: Smoke

Honorable Mention: Dead Shot

Honorable Mention: Cartoonish

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